Updated on July 5, 2015
Gay Pride Parade Victoria 2015
As an Irish citizen I am SO proud that Ireland was the first country in the world to legalize same sex marriage by popular vote — Yeehaw Ireland! You do your sister in Canada proud!
As you can see from the photos, it was a fun fun day. Many wonderful memories of the occasion and plenty of colour around. It was Halloween in the heat of summer — my kinda day!! One fellow cycling around on his bike caught my attention. He had a photo of my heartthrob Colin Firth posted to his bike with the caption “Pride not Prejudice”.
Another girl walking in front of me had a big message on her t-shirt. “I’m out, therefore I am”. There were certainly a lot of people ‘out’ today and loads of goodies being distributed to a highly enthusiastic audience — lolly pops, condoms, mirrors, jewellery, candies, and lots of gaiety! Love you Victoria and love to all my gay friends.
Boomer Babe!!