
Hi Guys,

There is something about adversity that brings out the best in others. I can recall the time we had an electricity cut in our neighbourhood. Everybody was in the dark for days, but smiles all around provided the light we needed. Then back in January we had a big snow dump. People were snowed-in, but help was all around. One guy joked about it on the radio saying he noticed when he was out walking, strangers were nodding, smiling, and stopping to chat. He found it amusing. I find it weird that sour circumstances make us sweet. It’s surely a dysfunction of nature? During the war years, ditto. People were all very kind and looked out for each other. Heroes were as prevalent as the poppies in Flanders fields. I guess you could say it is the silver lining we all need to get us through difficult times.

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Walking around my COVID-19 world today, it’s the very same. I must admit I have moments of deep cynicism when I feel like we’re all robots living Stepford Lives. Strangers smile at me,  yet jump a mile for fear of catching the virus. I feel like a mosquito or a leper. Now I know how mosquitos feel. Peculiar, for want of a better word. That’s the world we currently live in. People are starving for hugs, connection, true and lasting affection, that will continue long after COVID-19. As one elderly man sadly said “If I don’t die of this virus, I will die from loneliness”.

I want people to stay sweet to each other, COVID-19 or not, Snow or not, Electricity or not, War or not. I have got used to the very pleasant sight of homes covered in Valentine hearts, proclaiming LOVE SWEET LOVE, nightly 7 p.m. saucepans and pots rattling, to thank the healthcare and essential workers, strangers smiling and loving on each other. I have been sucked in by the brotherhood of man proclamations “We’re all in this together” YES! Together, we can do this! Do what? Wear masks? Become germ-phobic for life? Maintain a distance? I really hope not. Opinions differ on the whole COVID-19 pandemic. Some fear the cure is worse than the disease, which realistically will never go away, but always linger, though not in a life-threatening way. Only time will tell.


If this really is an appetizer for The Age of Aquarius – the hearts, the hope, the smiles, the kindness, the Love Sweet Love and Brotherhood of Man song, I am very happy to keep singing it. FREEZE THAT PART!!

Your to-be part for the week ahead:

Happy, Joyful, Singing, Dancing, Masking, Isolating, Connecting. Stay Safe my friends, but of equal importance — Stay Sane!!


Patricia xxx




  1. We need to stay positive! Thank you for this great blog 🙏🏻

    • Thank you Chrissy! You’re on the ball! Yes, positivity is my poison of choice these days lol! I drink it up morning, noon, and night!

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