
Hi Guys,

While the heavens are currently ablaze with celestial activity, it’s true to say some of us here on planet earth are exhausted from it all. So much going on — or not going on as the case may be! Practically all the planets are currently in retrograde mode. Sleepy-town. We are also in eclipse season for the next few weeks, with the lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5th, followed by a Solar Eclipse in Cancer on the 21st June, and then another lunar eclipse in Capricorn on July 5th. The torches of change will be illuminated in our individual lives, depending on which house is activated. Worth checking out! Ask Dr. Google. We have more eclipses in 2020 than normal. Eclipses being known as Drama Queens in astrological jargon. No, I agree, we don’t need any more drama!! Just positive action.

For many of us, our days are see-saws of surging emotion. One day up, high as a kite, Yee haw, and raring to go. Next day, down in the doldrums, and wondering when the hell our lives will be normal again. People are sad, hurting, fearful, lockdown-bored. That’s the thing with retrograding planets and the clashing of the Titans up above. Just think see-saws and everything on the playground of life shut down. You’re not alone my friend. Hang in there! It’s peanuts compared to what Viktor Frankl had to endure. He was a holocaust survivor and lost everybody he loved in the horror camps. Yet, he went on to live a full and very successful life. He wrote Man’s Search for Meaning and founded Logotherapy, which is healing through meaning. We all need to search for meaning in our lives at this unprecedented time in our history.

I told you 2020 would be insane, from a planetary perspective, and I did warn you to fasten your sanity belts! Because the outer planets are involved, it means we are in this together. Together, we are ONE!  Interestingly, despite all the challenges people are facing individually, the knowledge we are not alone is providing a sense of comfort and camaraderie for many. It’s all about attitude and gratitude. And helping your brother out man!

Mercury, the trickster, is joining the Retrograde Resistance Army on the 18th of this month for 3 weeks. So yes, time to chill and go with the good flow. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us to create a whole new world for ourselves. Many of us are becoming master alchemists. Hopefully, you will emerge from this Covid-19 episode a brand new person, both spiritually and emotionally. I know people are experimenting with different mediums, such as yoga, spirituality, exercise, and getting out into nature more, which is always a good thing. More people are baking (flour replaced toilet tissue in the must-have item!) How cozy is that? Many people are developing skills and hobbies they never had an opportunity to do in the 9-5 drudge of their lives. So yes, try to see the positive side in all of this insanity.

With this weird social isolation animal in danger of de-humanizing us, I’ve fought for the right to stay human! I have experimented more with exotic foreign recipes. In the last 3 weeks, I have cooked Moroccan, Greek, Chinese, and Thai food. So yum!! To keep my spirits high and thighs slim, I am trying to walk my 10,000 steps each day. With all that cooking, I need to!! I’m dressing up in my most colourful summer clothes, spritzing with my favourite Chanel perfume, thinking happy thoughts, praying, wearing my favourite jewellery, and dreaming of better times to come…There are so many ways to survive the current planetary challenges. You’ve lasted this long — what’s another few months? Remember, we’re in this together! There is strength in numbers!

Yes, I totally understand why many of us are feeling confused, stymied in our goals, frustrated at not being able to fully enjoy the gorgeous summer weather, sad to see friends and loved ones lose their jobs. I know since the pandemic began, some people have also had personal tragedies to deal with in their lives. My cousin’s 27 year old son died recently of a cardiac arrest while in Australia — a parent’s worst nightmare! A neighbour down the street lost her beloved partner of 40 years, who also died suddenly. Dealing with grief in social isolation must be horrendous! I cannot even begin to imagine their pain. But I do know one thing — God is Good! Rely on him to get you through!

The recent deeply disturbing murder of George Floyd in the U.S. brought up immense anger in me, followed by deep sadness and a sense of hopelessness. I’m not a violent person by nature, but hell! I wanted to do the worst possible things to that policeman, and his fellow policemen who stood by as poor George breathed his last painful breaths. Evil surely exists and it was on the face of that policeman. The only thing that brings me relief is the thought George’s troubles are behind him now, and that he is with his beloved Mother in Heaven. He is at Peace… Hopefully, his death will not be in vain and that it will be a catalyst for change in the scourge of racism. Good will always overcome evil. Love is greater than hate.

What can we do? 


ARIES: Cling to your fighting spirit and keep moving!! Exercise your body hard!!

TAURUS: Keep your hands busy! Get gardening and baking. Immerse yourself in nature.

GEMINI: Stay connected! Vital for you! Dance at home, laugh with your friends, Play!

CANCER: De-clutter your home, stay connected with family, be the love connector!

LEO: Dress up, wear your finest clothes, eat like royalty, and keep goal-oriented.

VIRGO: Be kinder to yourself, stay close to nature, and nurture your body and soul.

LIBRA: Think beautiful thoughts, pamper yourself, read, listen to music, stay connected.

SCORPIO: Soul-connect at a deep level, meditate, read, listen to music, take beautiful walks.

SAGITTARIUS: Get outside in nature. Walk your dog, go biking, rock climbing, keep busy!

CAPRICORN: Get out of your head. Yoga, music, nature and pets will soothe and calm.

AQUARIUS: Stay connected with friends. Read, pamper yourself, cook and garden.

PISCES: Dream, pray, meditate, create, listen to music and immerse yourself in nature.


Hugs galore!

Patricia xxx




  1. Absolutely Vicky!! You are stronger than ever girl! I can see it! Good for you and thanks for the fabulous art work! Love it as you can see!! PEACE & LOVE!!! Have a great week!!

  2. I love this!! Thank you for shining your light on these dark times. You are so positive and encouraging— a true Earth Angel. Thank you!

    • Hi Rebecca! Thank you for your kind comments! Peace & Love. Have a fabulous new week. It’s all GOOD!!!

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