Posted on August 17, 2020
O.K. Guys, it’s a week into my Vegan Challenge, and unlike my NMS Challenge, this one I’ll admit is harder! I’m going a bit nutty! Not that I wasn’t nutty before — but this time I’m more nutty than ever — Coconutty!! My heart hasn’t been really into it. Realistically, with my lifestyle, my preferences, and my love for rich, decadent culinary experiences, it’s not going to work! Sorry Vegan lifestyle, but it does not work for me. I tried — I really did! I was eating coconut butter in everything from desserts to ice cream. I tried every kind of Vegan alternative but I did not find it EGGciting enuff for me.
Visions of going to Ireland and not being able to have my McCambridge’s brown bread lathered with good Irish creamery butter made me depressed. Dairy is in my Irish DNA! As is fresh seafood and fish! What was I thinking? The thought of not being able to enjoy smoked Irish salmon ever again… Yum! I like it too much. I don’t eat animals but I do like my fish ‘n chips, my salmon, and my seafood chowder.
I also love the Beacon Hill ice cream cones and those exciting little ice cream trucks that jingle along the streets and stop to bring you pleasure by way of a smile and a creamy cone sprinkled with sprinkles of joy and strawberry syrup. I wasn’t ready to let those pleasures pass me by! Enooo! But I tried. I really did!
There are some great vegan foods out there and I will continue to enjoy them. My diet is 80% vegetarian. Some months 100%. When life returns to normal, I don’t want eating out to be another challenge. I like it too much. I enjoy visits to cafes, cappuccinos made from dairy as opposed to soy. Accidently one day at Starbucks they gave me a soy cappuccino. I took a sip and realized I could never enjoy! Food for me is a pleasure and a stroll down memory lane.
When I’m eating my McCambridge’s brown bread with egg mayonnaise, I think of my parents. They always had it for me when I returned for holidays. I still have it, though sadly, no longer them! Just the memory which I re-live through food!
So, this Vegan Challenge has ended shortly and abruptly! I realize it’s not for me. The Pescatarian Lifestyle with 80% vegetarian works for me.
So if it’s not broken — why fix it?
On that happy note, have a GREAT week ahead! Do what you love and love what you do!!
Patricia and Coco xxx
Oh Patricia – Good on your for trying – but bring 100% vegan is a bit extreme in my book.!! Stick to what you normally do – it works well for you 😘
Just realised my typos in previous comment – I’m on my third day of Fast 800 – obviously effecting my brain !!