TGIF Guys!

I’m sure you’ll agree, this past year has been less than wholesome! Right? We’ve all had to dig really deep within us to find meaning and fulfilment in these dark gloomy times. I’m fighting back with Fashion and for the Winter ahead, the more cheery colours I can pull out from my wardrobe the better my mood will be. Today, it’s about the BLUE!! Next week might be yellow or hot pink or green. Not sure get. But I’ll keep going until all the colours in my wardrobe have come out to play lol! Here goes today’s offering. Again, the theme this month is old friends meeting new!

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I had this lovely cobalt blue one-piece ensemble for a few years now. I’m sure  you’ve seen it before, but every time I wear it, I feel fantastic, and apparently, I make others feel that way too. Did you know, blue as a colour, has healing properties? Whether you see it on others, or wear it yourself. The bluer the hue, the better for you. You’ll be blue without feeling blue!

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Out scouting for bargains recently, I picked up this gorgeous Lili Sidonio sweater reduced by 70% from $99 down to around $34. Into my cart it went! I love the vibrant colour and knew the cheery bronze glitter lettering would be enhanced by my bronze glitter shoes and matching bag. Brown Thomas Dublin, a very she-she shop (owned by Galen Weston of Holt Renfrew), supplied the bag many moons ago. The shoes I had too. So welcome new blue sweater. Meet the gang! Your new friends!!

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The DKNY midnight blue puffy rain jacket had an edgy look to it which I liked and it looked great with the Lili Sidonio sweater. At 50% off, it followed Lili S into the cart! I’m feeling blue – but in the nicest possible way!


To switch the look up a bit, I changed my top to a blue cardigan and added some bling. Amazing what a little bling can do! Fashion is all about fun and creativity. It’s the thrill of the chase and the joy of putting an outfit together in a way that makes your heart sing! Like my favourite fashionista, Trinny Woodall, I like to wear an eclectic mix of designer and high street fashion. Stuff that makes my heart leap with excitement!!

So, without further ado friends — Let the colour party begin…

Hugs and  from Coco and me!


Patricia xxx








  1. Aww…thank you Ms. Vicky! I like deep cobalt blue but at heart I’m still an orange-ina!!

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