
People have been asking me to resume blogging again, that they missed their daily dose of Delisha, and could I ever get off my lazy butt and back to work again. How Sweet!!

A lot has been happening in our world, especially since the Donald became Mr. President in the U.S. Disturbia has become a way of life in our society. I honestly can barely keep up with it all, which is probably why I took a leave of absence from the doom and gloom newspapers (with the exception of horoscopes and House Beautiful). These days, I only allow pleasant tenants to occupy my head space.

FOMO sucked me back into reading the newspapers and listening to the news again. FOMO is highly contagious! Just thinking about it you get it! All the news and excitement I was missing out on, all the bargains, the upcoming concerts, etc. And there can be pleasant things too, like the woman who saved a baby from a garbage can — come to think of it, is it that pleasant? O.K. newspapers are good, as long as you direct your eyes away from the war zone!

Some Positives from today’s news to bring you HOPE.

Suicide attempts by teenagers in the United States has declined after same-sex marriage became legal. Whatever it takes, I was glad to read this as suicide is another scourge in our society today.

In Japan, thank God it’s Friday! Tokyo companies are being asked to let employees leave work at 3.00 p.m. on Fridays so they can have more time with family and co-workers. The idea behind this proposal is to reform the way people work and promote a better work-life balance. The workers are encouraged to eat, work, and play sports together. (I’ll bet there will be a lot of office romances!!) Societal change in a country known for its long working hours is, as Martha would say ‘A good thing’

Grandmothers making sleeping bags for homeless from old shopping bags. It’s a small act which is bringing pleasure to the grandmothers who meet once a week. It’s building community, helping their arthritic fingers with all the exercise, and best of all bringing wonderfully comfortable sleeping bags to homeless people and refugees. It’s a win win situation!

If you are a willing participant, opportunities will surely present themselves. Compliment that elderly lady on her cute jacket, open the door for a mum with a pram, let somebody out on the road. Assign a day of the week to do something out of your comfort zone that brings a smile to somebody’s face. It’s amazing how much fun you can have being a rainbow in somebody’s cloud

Patricia xxx

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