thumbnail_CA0DB5D1-FBBB-4005-B824-CA8D149CC6B5“Basically my wife was immature. I’d be at home in the bath, and she’d come in and sink my boats.” Woody Allen

All work and no play makes for a waste of a good day! Once upon a time when I was a grown up, doing a 9-5 job at the Guinness Brewery, I always took time to play. At lunch time I would stroll down the busy little street near my office for some distraction. I’d laugh with the butcher who always stood at his doorway with a wink in his eye. “Pleased to meet you Darling, meat to please you!” was his daily ditty. On stressful days, I might slip into the church nearby,  light a candle, and have a few moments of peace inside its dark, tranquil interior. By the time I returned to the office, I felt refreshed. In the evening I would walk home as it was more interesting and helped clear my head. By day’s end, I didn’t feel too wasted because I had taken time to play, and not taken life too seriously.

Nowadays, I work in the office with Kevin for a few hours each day, manage my home, do some counselling work, volunteer, etc. but I always take time to play. Doing this blog is fun. If it’s entertaining for you too, all the better! I play with Tessa our cat each day, and take time to stroke her furry little body. Animals are fantastic playmates! Chatting with a friend, sharing a coffee, all those little things that soothe the soul.

Shopping for bargains is fun, putting outfits together, decorating your home to welcome in the changing seasons, arranging flowers, observing beauty, baking your favourite cookies, sipping a lazy cup of aromatic tea, and thinking about nothing but how delicious it is. Remembering happy moments, keeping happy photos in your purse, entering new worlds through books. Having something to look forward to, whether it is a holiday, or meeting a friend, keeping a happy calendar where you record only fun things. A brisk morning walk close to nature is a great start to any day. Whatever it is that nourishes your soul and makes you happy – do it!

The more you realize the importance of playtime, you will find the time! Even if it is only 5 minutes. Those 5 minutes will carry you happily into the next day, when perhaps you can find 10 minutes to play! Through this playtime, your creative side will flourish. You’re worth it! As my grandmother would say when the kitchen floor was being washed “Run off now and play.”

Words to contemplate:  “A man without dreams is like a bird without wings.”


Delisha xx


  1. I love all your outfits !!.You have so many options. Dressing up and looking good makes one be happier. I will have to try. Loved the organization video and your style ideas. ♥️
    Thank you for sharing!
    I have never seen you in jeans.

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